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The 9th Annual  Event on Digital Literacy and Education concerning youth high risk behavior online  “ARIADNE NETWORK”  took place on Tuesday February 5th (Safer Internet Day 2019) at the Athens University Auditorium.

An update of all activities of the Adolescent Health Unit was presented, with emphasis on the new European project SELMA addressing cyber hate speech in collaboration with the Scientific Organisation “For Adolescent Health“.

19 teams of adolescents presented their ideas for dealing with high risk online behavior through the positive use of technology with creativity, imagination and innovation and that they can be practically adobted by young people. Three teams stood out with their ideas and were awarded special prizes!

All of the teams impressed with their outcome and their ideas will also be presented at the 12th State of the Art Adolescent Medicine Course that will take place in the 5th and 6th of April.

Athens Hackathon was a great experience for everyone and has become an established event in Greece.

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