Homemade Pasta

by maria


2 cups of flour

1 cup of water

1 egg

Some gelatin


You can watch the video to understand the recipe better here:

At first we use a surface (preferebly a wooden surface) and we lay there the 2 cups of flour. Then we will use a bowl to creat a small nest (something that looks like a pond –> watch the video) and we carefully empty all the water inside the flour nest.

Then we continue by forming the crust into a compact mass and we add a whole egg.

We have to kepp forming the crust for 10 minutes and afterwards let it still for 30 minutes wraped in some gelatin.

We lay the crust to the surface and roll it into a bolster roll (like a snake)

We then cut the roll into small pieces with a knife.

Each piece is a piece of our pasta and we can form it into the shape that we ‘d like our pasta to have. We chose a certain shape but that’ not the only option. To create this shape we used a fork (you can see exactly the way we did it in our video).

We then added our pasta into boiled water with some salt and waited several minutes (around 9 minutes but it depends)

We then eat it! You can also add some sauce or cheese.

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1 comment

rosie October 2, 2020 - 3:52 pm

awesome video. I love your content


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